Custom Skateboard Deck for Pro Skateboarders-THEORIES THE ALIGNMENT SKATEBOARD DECK

Size 7.87" 8.0" 8.25" 8.5" 8.6"
The Alignment skate deck highlights the age old mystery of the pyramids of Giza being perfectly aligned with the stars of Orion's Belt. Was this constructed by the Egyptians as a means for mapping the stars for ancient aliens to travel to the plateau? Or was it for a ritualistic purpose for the ancient Egyptians who had exceptional astronomical mapping capabilities. The mystery of the Giza pyramids may be forever lost to time. This amazing graphic was one of our favorite entries during the 2024 Theories Design Contest, imagined and created by artist Noe Martinez.
  • Available in multiple sizes
  • 7 ply deck made of Canadian maple
  • Stain colors may vary
  • Made in Mexico